...That is awesome. I approve.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Ning and PBworks--Virtual Identity

     Choosing how to present myself online is difficult every time--and for many reasons. I try to present myself similarly to my instructors and classmates as well as my friends and family. My problem with developing any online profile is in my failed attempts to decide (or, sometimes, recall) my favorite music, books, movies, etc. I listed the musicians and films that I did because they were the only ones I could think of when I created my profile. The Woman Warrior isn’t my single favorite book, but it was the one sitting on the shelf in front of me at the time. My profile picture was difficult to decide on for other reasons: 1) I never know whether to post an image of myself or of something else--but then again, I hardly feel a strong enough connection to other things to present them as defining myself, and 2) I have very few photos of myself. The majority of the images on my computer and camera are of other people from parties or days out. I always come home and realize that I’ve forgotten once again to take any with me in them. I suppose I could have just taken a new photo right away, but I was both biased against my sleep-deprived, pajama’d appearance and too lazy to get my camera. The picture I decided on is one that my younger sister loves, and the colors make it fun anyway. When I can’t decide, I tend to go with something with her in it, because it makes me smile when she walks into my room while I’m working.

     The content I’ve added has just been things I’ve come across that I thought someone in this class (or any of my classes, really) might enjoy or care about seeing. I don’t think that all of my replies accurately represent me on their own, but I don’t care enough to spend time intensely thinking out and editing each one. I imagine that, by the end of the semester, my comments as a whole will seem representative to those who know me outside of this class.

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